QSi UK Chapter


03/03/2023QSi UK & Ireland BoardOn 27 February our UK & Ireland Board held its meeting in our new QSi legacy home at the University of Wolverhampton. We now sponsor a room at the University which is branded with QSi logos. This gives us a UK base for meetings bearing our identity and on show to anyway walking the corridors of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment.  
10/02/2021A Virtual Tour Around and Introduction to the UK’s Ground Breaking National Brownfield Institute

Watch this CPD event held on 28 January at the link below:


22/04/2020COVID-19 ADVICE

Do you have a query regarding COVID-19?  Harrison Clark Rickerbys Solicitors has a COVID-19 hub on its website, answering questions on a wide range of subjects including postponement of commercial contracts and force majeure; insurance and business interruption losses; furlough; cash management; duties and obligations and extra build costs.

To find answers to your issues, visit: www.hcrlaw.com/sector/covid-19/



Bills of Quantities - Measure It or Lump ItWebinarThursday, 5 December 20240800-0900 UK timeOur December First Thursday Club CPD talk will look at the relevance and future development of the traditional BoQ as a key tool within the QS armoury in the tendering procedure and financial management of a contract
Building Pathology and All Things CreepyWebinar7 November 20240800-0900 UK timeThis month’s CPD talk will interrogate the science of building pathology and the importance of diagnosis of buildings to better understand costing of historic and dilapidated buildings
Optimising the Principles of Quantity Surveying to improve Geoscience Exploration and Development: A case of small-scale gold mining Webinar5 September 20240800-0900 UK timeThis insightful and advanced presentation is aimed at delivering a secret on the practicality and importance of Quantity Surveying as a degree, a career, academic research, a source of inspiration, and as a wildly advantageous route in the modern day built environment. Although this exposition is narrowed to Optimising the Principles of Quantity Surveying to improve Geoscience Exploration, using an area of interest, small-scale gold mining as a “Case Study”, it would further enable attendees to appreciate the interdisciplinary application of the principles of QS. Its objective is to cover the following areas: Cost Estimation and Budgeting; Resource Allocation and Management; Risk Management; Feasibility Studies and Project Appraisal; Sustainability and Compliance; Financial Reporting and Auditing; Stakeholder Communication It promises to be a breakthrough and revealing discussion for all stakeholders.
Publicising Lessons Learnt – an academic perspectiveWebinar6 June 20240800-0900 UK timeThis month we are taking a look at the importance of research and learning, and how it is publicised through academic papers. The session will cover: Why publications are important Who can author a publication? Types of manuscripts More on academic papers: structure, expectations, peer-reviewing
Enabling Open Plan With Automist - Advanced Targeted Suppression Webinar1 February 20240800-0900 UK timeInstalled in over 14,000 properties across the globe, Automist is a unique fire suppression system - the only one of its kind that can directly target fires. Recently featured in TIME's prestigious 'Best Inventions' list and trusted by building control, it's an effective fire safety solution that enables open plan design that meets building regulations
Getting PaidWebinar4 January 20240800Main Contractors, Sub Contractors and Construction Professionals need to be paid. The current payment regime began in October 2011, so why do so many people still get it wrong? Keith will explain the payment regime and highlight common errors, as well as look at some court decisions which affect the way the regime operates and how you can use adjudication
Facade Engineering in PracticeWebinar5 October 20230800-0900 UK timeThe talk will cover: An overview of: The variation in façade types, geometry and appearance The function that façades serve and how they modify and influence the internal environment The risk and challenges with complex building design Typical forms of façade construction including the perceived advantages and disadvantages of each Façade performance drivers An overview of each stage of how the design process is managed and validated through the façade engineering project life cycle Project specific case studies and discussion
Insurance - The Landscape Post GrenfellWebinar6 July 20230800-0900 UK timeREGULATORY FRAMEWORK • Building Safety Act • Building Regulations • Register of High Rise Buildings INSURANCE ISSUES • Market overview (General & Professional Indemnity) • Cladding issues • Modern methods of Construction – Fire Safety issues • Professional Indemnity Insurance for the Construction Sector (Consultants / Contractors/ Specialist trade Contractors)
Supply Factors Influencing Housing ProductionWebinar2 June 20230800-0900 UK timeUnderstand the supply factors influencing housing production and the strategies for addressing these factors
Supply Factors Influencing Housing ProductionWebinar2 June 20230800-0900 UK timeUnderstand the supply factors influencing housing production and the strategies for addressing these factors


ActionFile NameDescription
View DocumentQSi UK Board Terms of Reference.pdfUK Board Terms of Reference
View DocumentJames Wates 171107-UCEM Graduation speech.pdf‘This article was originally delivered as the key note speech at the UCEM Graduation Ceremony on 9 December 2017. QSi is proud to sponsor a prize at this ceremony for the student who has achieved the best overall performance on the BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying’


Komali YennetiSend Email0333 012 4549 Dr Komali Yenneti (BArch, MPlan, PhD, FHEA, FRGS, AITPI, MQSi, RACA) Dr Komali Yenneti is a Senior Lecturer and Program Leader at the School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Wolverhampton. She has a decade of research, policy and advocacy experience in urban studies, climate change, energy and sustainability. Her current research involves more than 25 academic, government and industry partners around the world. She has served in research, advocacy and advisory capacities for international institutions including the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Japan, Das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Germany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Green Building Council of Australia. She has published widely and has made policy contributions to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Environment Programme and Governments around the world. Her work has frequently appeared in international media, such as BBC, ITV Central, The Hindu, Business Standard, Times of India and The Conversation. She has organised and chaired conferences sessions, delivered keynote addresses and invited lectures in more than 100 events around the world. She was a recipient of the Green Talents Award by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the inaugural International Geographical Union’s Early Career Research award. She is the founding chair of the IGU – Young and Early Career Geographers Taskforce and is currently seconded to the Department for Energy Security & Net-Zero, Government of the UK. Dr Yenneti is a member of the QSi UK and Ireland Board and is interested in research, teaching and education that promotes meaningful engagement with environment, economy, and society.


Laura HillsSend Email0333 012 45459Laura Hills BSc(Hons) MCABE MCIOB MQSi Laura Hills is a Senior Building Control Surveyor with 3C Building Control in South Cambridgeshire, responsible for managing a designated area within the South Cambridgeshire District. Before joining 3C Building Control, Laura worked as a Gas Compliance Officer for a local authority in the Estates and Facilities Department, and was one of the first 25 women to complete her Level 4 VRQ in Gas Safety and Operations Management. Laura’s professional career as a Building Control Surveyor began in 2018 when she joined 3C Building Control as an Assistant Building Control Surveyor. She went on to earn a First Class BSc Honours in Building Control from Wolverhampton University, along with the CIOB Level 4 Diploma in Public Service Building Control Surveying. Additionally, she successfully completed a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business and Operations Management. Laura was honoured to receive the Atkins Outstanding Woman in Construction 2023 award and has gained chartered memberships with CABE and CIOB as well as QSi membership. Currently, she is developing her knowledge in Building Control further by undertaking specialist training and gaining experience where possible for projects such as high risk commercial, schools, colleges and universities. Laura enjoys her role both within the board meetings and contributing to the social media content, and has recently become the Interim Vice Chair of the QSi's UK & Ireland Board.
Emmanuel DanielSend Email0333 012 45459Dr Emmanuel Daniel is a Reader and Senior Lecturer in Construction Management, the Postgraduate Programme Leader for MSc Construction Project Management and the Deputy Research Group leader for Digital Construction in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. He is a Chartered Construction Manager and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He teaches and researches construction project management, digital and offsite construction, lean construction, health and safety, and workforce skill development.
Kirsty Louise BarkerSend Email I am starting my route to become a qualified quantity surveyor, studying a BSc Honours degree in quantity surveying at the University of Wolverhampton. In my first year, I am embarking on the following modules: Built Environment Academic and Employment Skills; Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential Buildings); BIM and Data Management; Built Environment Business and Economics Project; Law and Construction Procurement; Built Environment Professional Development. I have embraced the opportunity to become the student ambassador on behalf of the Built Environment. This has entailed involvement in many exciting projects, including working with schools; Athena SWAN – a charter established in 2005 by the British equality challenge unit and implemented by the UK resource centre which recognises and celebrates good practice to the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all; Wikihouse – this is an open-source project for designing and building houses which endeavours to democratise and simplify the construction of sustainable resource-light dwellings; and young women in construction events. Recently I took part in a team building and leadership weekend to enhance my skills. Currently I am working towards an APM-PFQ – a level 6 qualification which offers a fundamental awareness of project management alongside my degree. My early work life consisted of varied roles such as cabin crew, sales and customer service. 6 years ago, I settled into an accounts administration position. Here I have had the opportunity to experience the sales ledger, purchase ledger, nominal ledger and now manage the foreign ledger. In my time here I met my Husband and had my two wonderful boys.A year ago I had the pleasure of launching our first family business alongside my Dad. S Class Travel Ltd, a modern chauffer company. Seeing my dad go after his dream and how happy this made him has inspired me to chase a career of my own and the catalyst for me to join the University of Wolverhampton in order to pursue quantity surveying. My main interest is event organising and party planning. I also enjoy getting involved in challenges to raise money for charity.
Paul HamptonSend Email Dr Paul Hampton is the current Head of Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton and a Chartered Building Surveyor. His two main areas of expertise are accessible environments and built environment employability skills and their impact on sector productivity. Dr Paul has a BSc Building Surveying, studied at the University of Wolverhampton, an MSc in Business Management from Sheffield Hallam University and a PhD from Middlesex University.Paul is a past chairman for West Midlands RICS, West Midlands ICWCI and is currently serving as a board member on the Global Board of Quantity Surveyors International (QSi).Paul holds outstanding industry knowledge and maintains strong links with over 500 industry contacts. Paul was also one of the original design team members for the Springfield Campus as part of a £100m investment in Architecture, Built Environment and Civil Engineering. Paul also forged the first Industrial Panel Network 4 and hosts various industrial symposia.Paul has designed numerous world exclusive on-line and in-company courses and is currently developing the first UK Nuclear and Demolition degree/MSc qualifications. He has previously acted as programme director and course lead for modules at all levels. More recently he has been engaged in teaching modules in the areas of construction management, project management and quality management. Paul is an avid researcher. He has more than 15 referred articles to his credit published in top conferences. He has also brought in millions of pounds in research funding through various ERDF projects and has successfully bid and won the Construction in the 21st Century Conference for Wolverhampton/London in 2019. During his tenure in academia has held several managerial roles such as Director of Built Environment Climate Change Innovation (BECCI), Entress and head of employability and business engagement.
 Simon KendallSend Email  
Suzanne MillerSend Email0333 012 4549Suzanne Miller BA(Hons)Suzanne is the QSi Global Business Manager, responsible for the day to day running of the organisation, dealing with everything from applications and subscriptions to regional boards, events and the QS Eye magazine. Suzanne graduated with an honours degree in English Literature and French which she followed up with a Business and Secretarial Diploma with French and German. After finishing her studies, Suzanne joined James R Knowles as a Marketing Assistant/PA to the Managing Director, with particular responsibility for running around 300 seminars a year across the UK. Suzanne rose through the ranks obtaining a place on the Knowles Board as Marketing Director in 1998.When Roger Knowles founded QSi in 2004, Suzanne was enlisted to run the organisation. When she left Knowles in 2006 to set up her own business, she continued in her function as QSi Global Business Manager whilst also working for a number of other clients in marketing and support roles. In her spare time Suzanne is a keen fund raiser for Macmillan Cancer Support and enjoys cycling.
 Anthony William HatfieldSend Email  
 Ezekiel ChinyioSend Email  
 Arthur LyonsSend Email  
 Kathryn LadleySend Email Kathryn Ladley BSc, FRICS, MAPM, FQSi and in 2003 was proud and delighted to be one of a small group of Quantity Surveyors to be invited by the late, great, Roger Knowles to be one of the Founder members of the QSi. She served on the first General Council until urgent family commitments meant that she had to step down for a time. Kathryn has over 50 years’ experience in the Construction Industry commencing in 1970 when there were very few women in the profession. Most of her experience has been in the public sector although she has worked, at times, in the private sector and for contractors. Kathryn has a keen interest in construction contracts and, a few years ago, was honoured to be invited to represent the Local Government Association (LGA) in sitting on the JCT Council. In 2017, Kathryn was nominated for and won a Lifetime Achievement in Construction Award from the European Women in Construction and Engineering group (WISE). She was also the recipient of a QSi Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her work in construction and for the QSi. Kathryn was recently given the opportunity to serve on the QSi UK and Ireland Board and is looking forward to her first meeting. She currently provides Executive Support to the Senior Director of Norse Consulting where her expansive knowledge of the industry is put to good use.


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